Leading with GRACE

Why should managers, project or team leaders be GRACE-minded?
Because it makes managing people easier, business performance more sustainable, and it looks good.
G ive more than you take
R espect the people who despise you
A dmire your peers
C reate meaning
E mancipate from clichés
Give more than you take. If you view your professional relationships as a series of recurring interactions, investing time and energy will bring the double return. People will never forget how you made them feeling. They will want to give something back to you.
Respect the people who despise you. Respect - A worn out word in management. It has often been dropped in value statements of international companies. Still, there is nothing as fundamental as respect. Before you can understand, appreciate or even trust a person, you must learn to respect her or him. In particular, if the other person does not show any sign of respect to you, or seems to despise you. That is the challenge of diversity, working with other kinds of people.
Admire your peers. It is easy to admire whom everybody admires. It is easy to join in the celebration of stars. But it is much more of the challenge to admire your colleagues during your day-to-day collaboration. The essence of team excellence is exactly that: admire the talents of your peers, reach out for their support, especially for questions that are on your plate, not on theirs.
Create meaning is the best remedy to anchor people in a volatile and ambiguous environment. Meaning is needed to build a team. Meaning is more than a vision. The people need not only to understand where they are going but also why they are doing what they are doing. They want to do what feels right and useful to them.
Emancipate from clichés. Generalizations might be helpful for the quick and dirty approach. But they make you blind, too. If you do not take the effort to have a second look, think a second thought, you will miss out precious elements to sustain your performance.