Culture is the unwritten book with rules of the social game that is passed on to newcomers by its members.
Prof. Geert Hofstede, 2010Culture & Diversity

Aren't we all human beings, after all?
We are all human beings. We all feel anger, fear, joy, love, sadness and shame.
And how we act upon and judge those feelings is deeply rooted in our culture.
It's the culture, stupid!
Culture is where human beings form "moral circles": groups with certain criteria of affiliation, which are more and less indispensable. Those moral circles or societies face the same basic problems, in terms of
- Relation to Power
- The individual's place within the group
- What it means being born as boy or a girl
- How to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty - to what extent aggression and emotional expression should be controlled
- Strategies to develop and prosper
- Societal control over human inclination to pleasure and letting it go
and every society has its own set of answers to it.